雨魂 - AMEDAMA -

Guidelines for Streaming,
Videos, and Live Broadcasts for AMAEDAMA

Permissible Streaming Sections

Streaming is permitted for all sections.
Amedama allows streaming of any part.
However, to ensure that more people can fully enjoy the charm of the game, please provide a clear warning to viewers, such as "Spoiler Alert," if the content includes information touching upon the core of the story.
We sincerely appreciate everyone's consideration.

Methods of Streaming

  • 1.Streaming is possible in various places such as personal blogs, websites, social media, video sharing platforms, etc., for personal enjoyment.
  • 2.When conducting streams that include significant turning points in the game, please notify in advance that it contains spoilers to avoid compromising the experiences of other players.
  • 3.Please refrain from publishing videos or live broadcasts before the official release of the game.

Rights Notice

When streaming or making content public, please do not forget to include the following rights notice:
©IzanagiGames, Inc. & ACQUIRE Corp.
※ If it is difficult to use the "©" mark, "(C)" may be used as an alternative.

Points to Note

  • 1.Videos to be posted should include original elements such as commentary and comments.
    However, please refrain from posting videos that solely consist of music or are primarily focused on music.
  • 2.Publicizing content on sites or services that require paid access is generally considered for commercial purposes.
    However, this does not apply to monetization through partner programs such as YouTube.
  • 3.Please absolutely avoid streaming content that defames or slanders others.
  • 4.Posting content that is illegal or violates public morals is strictly prohibited.
    This includes acts such as illegally modifying game operations or compromising safety.
  • 5.If requested by the company, please promptly cease and delete the publication of videos for any reason.
    Inappropriate content may be deleted or streaming may be stopped at the discretion of the company.
  • 6.The company does not assume any responsibility, including guaranteeing that the streamed content does not infringe on the rights of third parties.
    Additionally, the company cannot be held responsible for damages or disputes with third parties arising from the use of videos.

These guidelines are designed to allow more people to enjoy Amedama.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

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